Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I think I'm getting shorter... is that possible?

This morning when I was getting dressed for work, it seemed to me that I am getting shorter! This can not be good! I already wear heals all the time *which I love*, rarely do you see me in flats- unless I am wearing my cute zebra flats or my ever so favorite yellow box flip flops! Serious, those are the best shoes ever! Anyhow, I guess I will be doing a little research to see what my odds are of shrinking, or maybe my mirror was tilted this morning, yes- I will get a diff. mirror :)

I have not posted in a little over a week. It's been a little crazy in the house hold (well not really- just sounds better, ha!) It is occuring to me that I will be moving in a little over a month and I haven't started packing yet. Procrastination is my middle name. I always work better under pressure. Plus, we have had to best weather the past couple of weekends and it's hard for me to be inside when it is so pretty. Although, it is like -32* in B'ham currently. Maybe the Lord chose for us the have freezing cold weather in the middle of APRIL for me to pack! I guess I will get on it :( If anyone gets really bored, help is ALWAYS needed :)

Anyhow! It's so funny to me that when I woke up at 3am this morning I had plenty to say. So much so ,I was up for an hour thinking about it, and well every other imaginable thing you would think about at 3am. I guess I will return later on with something of more substance- But serious, is it possible for me to get shorter?

Love ya!


jennyhope said...

it means u r getting old...lol